The Officers

John Pilc

Jim Weidner
1st Vice Commander

George Russell
2nd Vice Commander

Wil Harding
3rd Vice Commander

Sue Brennessel

Tim Huff

Jason Allen
Sgt. at Arms

Dean Sheffield

Chuck Brust
Judge Advocate

Dave Madison

Arnie Fisher
Member @ Large

Bill Gleichauf

Nate Cianciola
Finance Officer & Service Officer

Tim Huff
About Us
- Processes more than 600 disability claims appeals per month for veterans trying to get their VA medical benefits.
- Sponsors more than 5,000 American Legion Baseball teams, comprising more than
100,000 ballplayers. - Helps families of deployed troops through its Family Support Network and Operation Military Family Outreach.
- Awards college scholarships to children whose inothers or fathers have sacrificed their lives in the global war on terrorism through The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund.
- Through its Temporary Financial Assistance program, helps the children of veterans who are suffering hardships.
- Through its Heroes To Hometowns program, works with communities to welcome back their returning veterans and help them make the transition to civilian life.
- Lobbies Congress to upgrade and improve Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits (the Legion wrote the original 1944 GI Bill that educated 8 million veterans).
- Urges Congress to provide enough VA funding to take care of veterans’ medical needs — and authorize appropriations in advance.
- Volunteers about one million hours every year at about 160 VA medical facilities nationwide.
- Gives emergency financial assistance to Legion families hit by hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and other disasters through The American Legion National Emergency Fund.
- Offers community programs that encourage the intellectual and social growth of America’s children (Boys State, National Oratorical Competition, Junior Shooting Sports, Boy Scouts).
- Raises funds to improve the quality of life for active-duty troops through Operation Comfort Warriors.
Our Programs
The Department of New York offers the Richard M. Pedro Memorial Scholarship for high school seniors. Deadline is June 15. Details.
The New York American Legion Press Association (NYALPA) offers the Albert M. Becker Memorial Scholarship for a high school senior or graduate planning to pursue a degree in a communications field. Annual deadline is April 15. Details.
The American Legion offers the Legacy Scholarship for children whose parents are killed while serving their country. Details.
For info on other national American Legion scholarships, click here.
Boys State
Boys State will be held from June 25 to July 1, 2017 at SUNY Morrisville State College in Morrisville, NY.

Oratorical Contest
ELIGIBILITY Participants shall be citizens of or lawful permanent residents of the United States. Contestants must be bona fide students, under the age of 20, and presently enrolled in high school or junior high school (public, parochial, military, private or home...
Our Location
Williamson Legion 394

Williamson, NY 14589